
Board of Directors

The Board of Directors (or “BoD”) is the Foundation’s Board of Directors, the main administration of the Foundation’s projects and teams. Directors are directly elected by Community Members. The Board of Directors consists of seven (7) members and three (3) deputies. The Board of Directors may launch any other teams or committees ad hoc if necessary.

Board Members

Sophie Gautier

Sophie Gautier

The Document Foundation and SapienceTic

Sophie is part of the LibreOffice project since it’s creation and contributes to the French localization. She runs her own company and is currently contracted as foundation coordinator for the foundation.

László Németh

László Németh

Csevej Bt., Hungary

László is a free software activist and contributor since 2002.

Simon Phipps

Simon Phipps (Deputy Chairperson)

Principal at Meshed Insights

Simon has been involved with what is now LibreOffice since participating in the launch of OpenOffice in 2000 just after joining Sun Microsystems. Since then in connection with TDF he has:

  • Helped start the Open Document Format standard at OASIS
  • Worked alongside and ultimately hosted the StarOffice team at Sun
  • Liaised with and supported the founders of LibreOffice until Sun closed
  • Joined TDF from the beginning, and ran the first Board elections for the Membership Committee
  • Served on the Board, twice
  • Facilitated renewed crowdfunding of ODF standardisation in TDF’s COSM project
  • Ensured the needs of The Document Foundation are fully understood by the European Commission in connection with emerging legislation such as the Cyber Resilience Act.

Outside TDF, Simon founded Meshed Insights Ltd where his main client is the Open Source Initiative. See https://webm.ink for much more information.

Italo Vignoli

Italo Vignoli

The Document Foundation and Hideas Sas

Italo Vignoli is a founding member of The Document Foundation and the LibreOffice project, the Chairman Emeritus of Associazione LibreItalia, an Ambassador of Software Heritage, and a proud member of Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE). He is a past board member of Open Source Initiative (OSI).

Italo co-leads LibreOffice marketing, PR and media relations, co-chairs the LibreOffice Certification Program, and is a media spokesman for the project. He also handles advocacy and marketing activities for the Open Document Format ISO standard.

He has contributed to several large migration projects to LibreOffice, and is a LibreOffice certified migrator and trainer since 2014. From 2004 to 2010 he has been involved in the OOo project.

Eliane Domingos

Eliane Domingos (Chairperson)

Eliane is a businesswoman, coworking business consultant, consultant and instructor in LibreOffice migration. Member of TDF for 11 years, member of Brazilian LibreOffice community promoting LibreOffice at events and on social networks. Participated in the LibreOffice Magazine project for 27 editions.

Osvaldo Gervasi

Osvaldo Gervasi

Osvaldo was member of the Board of Directors also in the period 2016-2020.

Until now, he served The Document Foundation and the LibreOffice project in migration activities (he inspired the LibreUmbria Project as President of the Umbria’s Open Source Competence Center, he participated to the migration of the Italian Army, Air and Navy), delivering talks/seminars/Tutorials on LibreOffice in Primary and Secondary Schools, in several initiatives involving also the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of Perugia University.

He is a member of the Italian Localization Team.

Pioneer researcher in Internet Technologies, Parallel and Distributed Computing, Cloud Computing, Free and Libre Open Source Software, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Systems.

Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of Perugia University.

Deputy Director of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of Perugia University since November 2019.

He is President since 2023 of the professional degree course L-P03 “Programming and management of computer systems”, a new three-year degree course designed to facilitate entry into the world of work and narrow the gap between graduate preparation and the needs of the enterprises.

He is the Project Leader of the LibreEOL platform for carrying on exams in presence or remotely in a secure way, adopted by the University of Perugia as the only platform to carry on exams remotely during the pandemic of COVID-19.

He is President and co-founder of the not for profit Organization ICCSA since 2013. ICCSA runs yearly the International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications since its foundation.

He leads the High Performance Computing Lab (HPCLab) and the Virtual and Augmented Reality Lab (VARLab) of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science and the related Research Teams.

He is Senior Member of IEEE and ACM since 2009.

Paolo Vecchi

Paolo Vecchi

Omnis Cloud Sarl

Paolo is based in Luxembourg and is working for his organisation, Omnis Cloud Sarl, which is specialised in the promotion of Open Source based private and hybrid platforms for private and public sector institutions to show that achieving Digital Sovereignty is not an impossible task. As his company doesn’t depend on third parties for its Cloud infrastructure, during the last couple of years, it has been capable of providing free services to schools and non for profit organisations to help them coping with the lockdowns. His company is also providing free hosting of LibreOffice videos on their PeerTube instance.

He has been contributing to the LibreOffice project by investing his time to during the last and current board terms to help furthering TDF’s goals and missions in many ways including publishing LibreOffice in app stores and, soon, to employ in-house developers to enable TDF to participate directly in LibreOffice’s development.

Board Deputies

Mike Saunders

Mike Saunders

The Document Foundation

Mike is a long-time advocate of free and open source software, working as a journalist in the FOSS world since 1998. He wrote for Linux Format and Linux Voice magazines, and has written books about Linux and programming too. He joined The Document Foundation in 2016, working in marketing and community outreached, and joined the Board of Directors as a Deputy in 2024.

Board of Directors 2012 - 2014

Board of Directors 2014 - 2016

Board of Directors 2016 - 2018

Board of Directors 2018 - 2020

Board of Directors 2020 - 2022

Board of Directors 2022 - 2024